Collecting Pickups

Drawing Pick ups to the player.

James Lafritz
May 10, 2021

Objective: When the ‘C’ key is pressed by the Player,Pickups quickly move to the player.

I edit the Project Settings ->Input Manager -> Fire 3 to be the c key.

I add an Input Axis String, a Bool for if the power up should move towards the Player and the fields needed to use for Physics 2D BoxCast.

In the Update method I set the should move towards target to if the Fire3 button is pressed.

In the Fixed update If the PowerUp should move towards the target I use BoxCast to get a target. If there is a target I move the PowerUp towards the target.

Now when I press the C key and the PowerUps in the scene are attracted to the Player, But be careful as you might get a power up you don’t want.



James Lafritz

Excited about changing my hobby into a new carer with GameDevHQ course.